
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Random musings trying to pass off as poetry

I used to have colors that burned bright as the sun. People would look at me, and my colors would shimmer off of them; light reflecting light.
People wanted to be around me. I had bounce in my step, and when I stepped I never looked back.
I was not the center of anyone’s attention, but there was attention in my life.
I wanted to be the best, but I did not need everyone else to think I was.
I was going somewhere, and people noticed.
I could fly by the seat of my pants; I mean I could really fly. I thought the sky was the limit, and I wasn’t ready to stop there.
Then one day I fell. And I didn’t shine like I used to. The brightness of my colors did not touch anyone else; I was fading. I was stealing other people’s light.
I was not the center, the periphery, or on the radar, of anyone’s attention.
My colors disappeared until you could see through me, all my life was just background.
The bright blues of the sky and brilliant yellows, oranges, and reds of the sun were gone.
No one looked my way anymore, and if their eyes happened to pass over where I was, they wouldn’t see me. I was invisible.
I stopped looking too.
I could no longer see myself, and my eyes went dark, so that I could not see any light at all.
All that was left was darkness and silence.
Invisibility is lonely.

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